Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hello from Hawaii....

Well, first of all, sorry that it has taken me a week to post this. Life has been way busy-er than we thought, and well....we apologize. We want to thank all of you SO MUCH for your prayers and standing with us over the last 6 months as we have prepared for what God is calling us to in this season. We have the most amazing friends.....we are so blessed to have you all in our lives. THANK YOU!!!!
So, we have been here for one week now, and God has been so faithful, and has wasted no time in meeting us and changing us, just like he said he would. We spent the last week in staff training learning how the campus here runs, hearing about everything, from finances, to booking airline tickets, to health insurance. It has been a very interesting week with a wide variety of topics. We have also had a wide variety of emotions. Everything from "WOW, we love it here, we could live here forever" to....."WOW, this is way different than I expected, and I don't know if I want this" BUT God is faithful and he is the one who called us here, and after what feels like a long week of transition, we are at peace in His goodness and faithfulness, and so excited about this journey that he is on with us!!
Please keep praying for us. We will be extremely busy over the next month, preparing for the students arrival on January 1st. We are also praying about where to go on outreach. Kyrgyzstan is still on our hearts, and we would love for that to be able to work out....we don't want to make a decision based in fear of finances....our God is a God who provides!! Pray for Truss and Cole, so far they have been so awesome, and their transition has been absolutely amazing....and I know that is because so many of you have been praying for them!
God has been providing our finances, as the needs arise...he is so faithful, and has been teaching us so much! Thank you again, who have given towards this, you all are amazing. I think that I cry every time a check comes in :) I'll post some pictures of our room here, when I can....the internet here is unbelievably slow!!
We love you guys so much....YOU ROCK!!
thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Hans and Susan said...

You guys are awesome!! i trust you are having an awesome time with dan : )
how the heck is the school going?? how are you guys?? i imagine you are missing the montana winter... thats too bad. i guess you will just have to head up the mountain for a feel of snow.
We are praying for you guys.
Awesome to find your blog!!! love reading it!