Saturday, January 16, 2010

doctors and chicken pox

So, Zac has the chicken pox. Truss and Cole both came down with a really light case on Christmas day, but were both over it within 2 days. Wednesday, Zac started having the beginning symptoms of a fever, tiredness and sore-throat. We hoped it was just a flu, but yesterday came the tell-tell signs of little red blistery bumps. We went to see a Dr. today. After talking with different nurses and doctors on the phone, they advised us to promptly bring him in to see someone because of serious complications in adults with chicken pox. $150 later, they sent him home with anti-viral meds to try and keep the complications to a minimum, and strict instructions to stay away from old people, and get lots of rest :)
Please keep him in your prayers if you think about it. He'll be out of commission for about a week, and with leading a DTS, that's a big deal. And besides that, having the chicken pox is no fun. I had it when I was 5, and barely remember it, but he's in a lot of pain from fevery aches and all the bumps. I'm glad my boys got it when they were young, so they won't have to deal with this as adults.
Other than the pox, we've been doing great! The school has been going well, and it is great to see God's faithfulness in the lives of the students. There has already been so much reconciliation and this is only the beginning. I love that Jesus makes things new. We will keep you updated on how the school goes, and how Zac is feeling. Pray he recovers quickly. Love you guys tons!!!

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