Saturday, February 27, 2010

a long over due post

Wow! I can't believe that I have gone a month without posting anything. What a bad updater I am! It certainly doesn't feel like it's been an entire month. Well, our family is recovering from what seems to be the endless sickness. Ever since Zac came down with the chicken pox almost 7 weeks ago, someone in the family has been sick. It's been quite wearing...after pox, flus, colds, and croup...we finally seem to be on the mend. We have lots of good news to I will try and keep this short.
News #1: Zac and I will be going to Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia this spring for about 2 1/2 weeks. We will be doing "pastoral visits" to the outreach teams from this DTS. Most of the outreach leaders are new and have not lead a team from YWAM Montana before, and so we will meet them about 1/2 way through and spend a few days with them encouraging them and doing some "pastoral care" for them and the students. We are very excited about this, as God has increased our heart to teach and disciple the new staff and help them to stay healthy so they can continue doing this for a longer period of time. We are way stoked.
News #2: Our friend Randall...who we have asked many of you to pray for...was healed of cancer!! GO GOD!!! He was sent to Billings, MT for some more intense chemo therapy and stem cell transplants on Wednesday. They also were planning on doing a "re-staging" of the cancer since they hadn't looked at anything since he was diagnosed about 2 1/2 months ago. He has had 2 rounds of chemo here in Kalispell before going to Billings. Yesterday, they did a PET scan of his body, and found no detectable traces of cancer anywhere in his body!! WOW!! God is so true to his word, and his faithfulness never ceases to amaze me.
News #3: This DTS has been going splendidly. I could not be more excited about what God is doing in and through these students. He continues to mold and shape them to be like himself, and they continue to step out as they learn more and more how to hear the voice of God and obey what he is asking of them. It never gets old seeing Holy Spirit transform lives and empower them to be like Jesus. These students are completely different than when they came at the beginning of January. It brings new meaning to when Jesus said, "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." I hope I get to do this for the rest of my life.
News #4: Jesus is the best thing in the whole wide world. (just had to throw that one in there)
Truss and Cole are growing so much. Here are a few photos of them to end this entry. Truss lost his 5th tooth yesterday, and now he has a toothless smile. He is also teaching himself to play the piano. Zac showed him a couple things, and he has taken off with it. Cole is so full of energy, it's amazing, he continues to make me laugh every day and still loves creating things. They are still loving having a dog, and so are Zac and I. I think the dog likes Zac best...which makes Zac happy :) Love you guys, and thank you for being a part of our lives and allowing us to be a part of yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo, this is young kim in south korea^^ truss and cole have been grown so much!! oh. mah. goodness.

Thesedays, I am studying in presbyterian seminary. Thatz so hard, but I am so thankful.

I miss you guys, and I reaaaalllly
hope to meet you again soon.