Sunday, April 5, 2015

What if...

As "holy week" comes to a close, and we spend it celebrating Jesus' victory over the grave, and the fact that he offers us that very same victory when we place our faith in him, I find myself filled with gratitude beyond explanation. I have spent much time reflecting this week on the life of Jesus, his death and resurrection the fact that God sent his SON, to make what we screwed up right again.  Reflecting is a discipline I am working on becoming better at this year, and I have found it has been an extremely beneficial tool in my relationship with Jesus.   This is on of the many verses that my heart kept going back to this week: "I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.  I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.  This charge I have received from my Father." -John 10:17-18  There are so many things that jump out at me here, but I want to mention just a couple, that are both simple and obvious, yet deep and impacting.  
The first - Jesus' life was not taken from him- he willingly laid it down.  This speaks VOLUMES of not only his submission and commitment to the Father's will, but of his LOVE for us.  He said YES to going to the cross, to dying IN MY PLACE.  It was not forced upon him.  He agreed with the Father that it was the best way.  Mind blowing.  I feel like I could reflect on that alone for the rest of my life on earth, and still be blown away by his love for mankind.  That is a crazy kind of love that I don't think I can get a firm grasp on.  The second - Jesus came with one main purpose- to seek and save the lost, and to give his life as a ransom. (Mk 10:25, Luke 19:10)  Again, the intense love for humanity!  WOAH.  
And then, I cannot help but think...."What if he didn't?"  What if he didn't lay down his life of his own accord?  What if in that moment in the garden, when he was crying out to the Father, asking if there was any other possible way to accomplish his purpose besides the cross, what if he ran, what if he chose to disobey because it felt too hard in that moment?  How often do I chose disobedience because the road looks too hard, and look for an easier path?  What if Jesus chose like I choose?  In Hebrews 12 we see that "for the joy set before him, he endured the cross." He looked ahead- to what the cross would accomplish, and said it was worth it.  US-broken, rebellious humanity- having the chance to be reconciled to God and live with Him for now and eternity worth the price of the cross.  Where would I be without him...if he didn't?  But the amazing thing is - HE DID! He chose to say yes to the cross and the course of history forever changed.  It is finished.  For that, I live my life with immense gratitude for that uncomprehensible love, and I lay my life down, that His life can be made known.

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